The Climate Change Garden by Kim Stoddart and Sally Morgan, is a guide to creating a resilient, climate-wise garden, one that adapts to volatile weather extremes and a rapidly changing climate. This is the first book to reveal which types of gardens are better suited to deal with such extremes and which techniques, practices, and equipment can be put to good use to help temper the issues. Kim Stoddart is an expert on this and writes for publications such as The Guardian on climate change gardening and resilient gardening. She has columns in several UK magazines and contributes regularly to a range of publications, such as Gardeners’ World magazine, Bloom, The Telegraph, The Lancet, and The Daily Express, where she regularly provides climate and gardening advice. Sally Morgan is a botanist and gardener and is the editor of Organic Farming Magazine. She’s written articles and books on food, farming, and the environment and owns an organic farm where she teaches courses on small farming (