Climate Changers

The Activists Media Handbook with David Fenton

Episode Summary

David Fenton is the author of the new book The Activist’s Media Handbook: Lessons from 50 Years as a Progressive Agitator. David earned the moniker “the Robin Hood of Public Relations” from The National Journal for creating the first PR agency for social change organizations to adopt corporate PR tactics to win major victories for freedom, democracy, and the environment. Through his firm, Fenton, he has spear-headed history- making activism, including the campaigns to free Nelson Mandela and end apartheid in the late 1980s, the No-Nukes Concerts in 1979 with Bruce Springsteen, banning fracking, and legalizing mariuana. He's now working exclusively on bipartisan efforts to address the climate crisis, co-founding organizations like Families for a Future and Science Moms.